Continuation to Nescafe Iced Coffee
Here are the other ingredients iced coffee exact for summer heat. Nescafe Frost Fill 1/4 of a regular drinking glass with hot water Dissolve 1 tbsp. NESCAFE CLASSIC 1 tbsp. COFFEE-MATE and 2 tbsp suga in hot water. Add cold water to fill half of the glass then put ice Makes 1 serving. Yummy Yema Coffee Dissolve 1 tbsp NESCAFE CLASSIC in 200ml water. Add 1/4 cup condensed milk. Mix well. Serve with ice and top with 1/4 cup chopped yema. Makes 2 servings. Black Coffee Cooler Combine 1 liter water, 1/2 cup NESCAFE CLASSIC and 1/2 cup sugar in a pitcher. Serve with ice. Makes 8-10 servings. Go Go Sago Dissolve 1 tbsp NESCAFE CLASSIC 1 tbsp COFFEE MATE and 2 tbsp sugar in 1/2 cup of hot water. 1/2 cup cold water. Add 1/4 cup cooked sago and 1/4 cooked gulaman . Mix well then add ice. Makes 3 servings