Vikings Stadium Collapse

Due to the heavy snow, the roof of the Vikings stadium collapse related to the roof’s deficiency plus the snowstorm that strike Midwest. The Sunday’s NFL game between Minneapolis Vikings and New York Giants was postponed. Vikings said that the reason was unsafe conditions related to the Metrodome roof and weather.
The Viking’s fans will very disappointed about this incident. They would like to see them fighting at the Vikings stadium. What were the Viking’s fans would be? If I would be them, I will wait and explain further to other fans what happened and this was a huge unexpected event.
The Giants were trapped at Kansas City International Airport on Saturday, incapable to go to Minnesota due to the snow, said team spokesman Peter John-Baptiste.
Blizzard was unexpected but one factor of weather changed was global warming. Due to the use of technologies as of today, it massively increases the temperature causing to provide abnormality to the weather. The Mother Nature needs to be protected by the one who were in use to her. The responsibility of each and every people is to help Mother Nature by closing all your lights for an hour. It is not for me guys it is for all of us. Let's help each other to prevent this kind of events.
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